Room Specifics and What To Bring

Pitzer College has three residence halls on campus. Pitzer, Atherton, Sanborn & 斯坎德拉(PASS)大厅是一年级学生的家. Pitzer的转学生和新资源的学生住在东西楼和米德楼. PAS/S大厅和东西大厅房间都有空调, 双人间,两个房间共用一个毗连的梳妆台, bathroom, and shower. 米德大厅是套房,包括单人和双人入住的房间,浴室与四个学生共享, and a common room shared with eight students.

What’s in each room?

  • Each double room includes 2 beds, 2 desks, 2 desk chairs, 2 dressers, 2 closets, 2 internet ports, wireless internet, recycling and trash bins. 请注意,PAS大厅,WES, Mead和CCA的所有床都是双XL长(36英寸x 80英寸)。. However, due to the size of the single rooms in Mead, 米德的一些单人间有标准的双人床垫.
  • WES/PAS课桌上方的书架可以从课桌上移开, but need to stay in the room.
  • 学生应自备床单、毛巾、毯子、被子等.
  • 每个宿舍都配备了洗衣机,接受克莱蒙特现金或宿舍. Washing costs $1.00 and drying costs $0.75. 学生需要打扫自己的房间和浴室.
  • 我们鼓励室友和室友就购买清洁用品和制定清洁计划进行沟通.  学院在寒假期间打扫校园里的所有浴室.
  • 除了课间休息,学生不能把自行车放在房间里.  我们鼓励所有学生在休息时把自行车带进房间,以减少校园比平时空的时候被盗的风险.
  • 学生可以在他们的房间或门旁边(在PAS和WE大厅)种植盆栽植物,只要这些植物不妨碍走道.
  • 学生可以带一个迷你冰箱和/或微波炉.
  • 床样样信息-由于可用的样样套件数量有限, lofting requests will be granted based on availability by building. 8月初将向学生发送有关申请床上设备的说明.
  • 学生谁上下铺或阁楼的床被鼓励购买并带来自己的床轨, or bed safety devices.
  • 除非学生要求,否则宿舍房间的电话线不会被激活.
  • All residence halls are air conditioned.

Shipping Items to Campus

如果您有兴趣在您到达校园之前将物品运送到我们的Pitzer邮件中心, please follow these instructions:

  • 在新学生入住前一周,将不接受为新学生运送的物品.  (For example, if move-in is Saturday, August 22nd, 接受新生包裹的最早日期是星期六, August 15.)
  • New Students should ship items to:


1050 N. Mills Ave., Pitzer College,

Claremont, CA, 91711

  • 邮件中心将在入住当天的特定时间开放,以便新生可以获得他们的包裹.

What to Bring

不过我们希望你能把所有东西都带进你的新宿舍, 你必须把自己限制在必需品上. 我们建议所有学生与他们的室友沟通,以确保物品不重复, such as refrigerators, etc.


  • Bed area
    • 床单、枕头、枕套、毯子、床罩或被子
    • Under bed storage
  • Room items
    • 2 plates, 2 bowls, cups, and utensils
    • Reusable water bottle
    • Microwave & 迷你冰箱(与你的室友沟通)
    • Decorations to make it feel like home
  • Desk area
    • Desk lamp
    • Flashlight and batteries
    • Surge protector power strip
  • Closet
    • Hangers
    • Laundry Basket
    • Laundry supplies (Eco-Friendly recommended)
  • Bathroom
    • 毛巾、毛巾、盥洗用品、浴鞋、梳妆台/淋浴(3)和厕所(1)地毯
    • Hand soap
    • Cleaning supplies (Eco-Friendly recommended)
    • Broom/dust pan
    • 小型真空吸尘器(宿舍生活处提供较大的真空吸尘器供签收)
  • 自行车,自行车锁,头盔,滑板/滑板车,滑板/滑板车锁

把你所有的东西打包带到学校是很诱人的. 我们建议我们的学生考虑他们真正需要什么. When asked what NOT 在宿舍里,大多数学生说:

  • Pack light! 不要带太多的衣服、鞋子或私人物品! 想想你真正需要什么和你想要什么. 你也可以到附近的商店买东西!
  • 看看搬家周末的二手房销售,可以买到以前拥有的物品.
  • 在带自行车之前,考虑一下你使用自行车的频率! Look into the Pitzer Green Bike Program (GBP)! 
  • Big screen tvs! Not a lot of space for those.
  • 看看我们的学生行为守则,禁止携带物品(例如:蜡烛), toasters, hot plates, drugs, incense, hookah, drug paraphernalia, pets, drones, fireworks, halogen lamps, oil fueled lamps, weapons, air conditioning units, duct tape, nails, etc …)

Roommate/Suitemate Conversations

These talking points 如何帮助你在新学年开始前与你的新室友和室友进行对话. Pitzer Residence Life鼓励您在反思本文件以及与您的室友时保持开放和诚实.  It’s in your best interest to do so, 因为你将为每个人创造最成功的生活空间. 宿舍生活的工作人员也会帮助室友, Suitemate, 和社区协议,一旦你进入校园,这些对话将继续.  

Bed Height / Bed Lofting Information

Students will receive a form to complete in summer, after housing assignments are released, with the option to request a lofted bed. 床放样主要用于WES/PAS,以腾出空间放置额外的家具. Mead Hall beds in double rooms can also be lofted. Lofting is not available at CCA.

Standard Height: 所有的床都将在搬进来的标准高度. This typically means there is about 35.5″ of space under the bed for storage.

Standard Height Bed

standard bed

Lofted Height: 阁楼套件可供主校区居民使用,先到先得. 通常在8月初入住日之前进行放样. Beds may not be lofted in time for early arrivals.


lofted beds